
Our environmental commitment is reflected in the reforestation we carry out both in our hotel and in the community. We plant native trees to restore ecosystems and promote biodiversity. We take care of these green spaces with passion, contributing to the health of the planet. Reforestation not only beautifies our landscape, it is also a tangible expression of our desire to preserve and thrive in harmony with nature.


Act of commitment

Each reforested plant is an act of affection and commitment. We nurture each sprout carefully, providing them with fertile soil and constant attention. We gratefully watch each tree grow, knowing we are contributing to ecological restoration. Caring for each plant is a tangible expression of our respect for nature and our commitment to a sustainable future.

We are green

We are a green company committed to sustainability in every aspect. Our environmental commitment runs deep and is reflected in all of our operations. From conservation practices to carbon reduction initiatives, we aim to make a positive impact on the planet. Our dedication to a greener future is evident in every step we take to preserve and protect the environment.

Preserved future

We envision a bright future for our community while preserving what we love. With a dedication to conserving our lush nature and cultural heritage, we are building a sustainable legacy. Every effort, from reforestation to ecological practices, is a step towards a brighter tomorrow. Together, we shape a future where our community thrives in harmony with the environment.